









英語フレーズ No.1~5

すなわちi.e.An artificial, disruptive challenge; i.e., introduction of a novel object, is used to cause reproducible behavioural changes
この目標を達成するためにTo this endTo this end, a detailed excited-state study of pristine and defected forms of indium oxide (In2O3, In2O3-x, In2O3(OH)y and In2O3-x(OH)y) surfaces was performed using time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculations
…を考慮して …の観点からIn light ofIn light of an aging population, gaining a better understanding of their susceptibility to complications and creating new treatment strategies is imperative.
このゆえに(、今後)henceA DC current is applied through the resonator to induce heat and modulate its stiffness, and hence its resonance frequencies.
注目すべきOf noteOf note, generation and identification of broadly neutralizing antibodies that target group 2 HAs are rare

“hence” は “therefore” よりも堅い単語なので、フォーマルな文章でよく使われます。

英語フレーズ No.6-10

yetThese broad-scale differences have been known for decades, yet little is known about differences at the fine scale.
同様にLikewise, ~Likewise, biased signaling at histamine receptors seems to be a pharmacological feature
それでもなお それにも関わらずnonethelessNonetheless, it remains elusive whether m6A modification and its methyltransferase METTL3 are involved in the progression of DOX-induced cardiotoxicity (DIC).
したがってthereforeThis study therefore defines a novel mechanism of MAPK activation
結果としてAs a consequenceAs a consequence, the enhanced drug absorption into the cochlea in TA-MEG group (approximately 2 times higher than other groups) protected hair cells

“As a consequence” は、abstractの最後の文章で使いやすいですね!

英語フレーズ No.11-15

著しく、際立ったことにStrikingly,~Strikingly, deletion of the APC/C subunit Apc15 mimics mutations in this motif, revealing a shared function.
実際にIndeed,~Indeed, HnRNP L knockdown effectively decreased PD-L1 expression
要するにTogether,~Together, our results suggest that ArtB likely plays an important
要するにAltogether,~Altogether, the bibliometric analysis reveals the field of VML as an emergent research focus that is productive and translational.
我々の~という仮説と一貫して、Consistent with our hypothesis thatOur results are consistent with our hypothesis that transient encounter of full-length wild-type β2m with transition metal cation at the dialysis membrane interface is causal to dialysis related amyloidosis.

実験で仮説が実証された場合には、ぜひ “Consistent with our hypothesis that” を使ってみてください!

英語フレーズ No.16-20

[前置詞または接続詞的に用いて] …を仮定すれば,…がある[許される]とすれば 《★【用法】 しばしば that を伴う》.GivenGiven the importance of SLAM receptors in mediating cell-cell interactions, we analyzed…(前置詞的な使い方)
と考えると、~とすればGiven thatGiven that morphological plasticity is a key determinant of cell migration, many of the identified genes were found to have a role in promotion of tumor cell migration and invasion
~と一致してIn accordance withIn accordance with our hypothesis, …
たとえ…でも、 …にもかかわらずalbeit(例1) These two isoforms also have redundant functions albeit different expression patterns
(例2) Numerous studies have demonstrated that both basal and luminal PTEN-deficient cells can be the cell of origin for PCa, albeit with different tumor-initiating latency.
に続いてfollowed byK-ras is mostly mutated in all cancers (85%), followed by N-ras (12%) and H-ras (3%)

“In accordance with” は、自分の仮説だけでなく、既報と結果が一致している時などにも使えます。

英語フレーズ No.21-25

…に注目する価値があるit is worth noting thatIt is worth noting that our approach does not require any protecting group chemistry..
~によって、~を用いてby means ofThis is achieved by means of a nanocavity formed by plasmonic structures and a distributed Bragg reflector.
と合致してin line withthis is linked to DRN 5-HT1A receptors in line with evidence that 5-HT1A receptors have a role in mediating emotional processing.
よって、したがってAccordinglyAccordingly, the induction of these nAb responses acquired after serial DENV infections has been a long-sought-after goal for vaccination.
結論としてIn conclusionIn conclusion, both genetic similarities and differences across ethnicities have been observed

“it is worth noting that” は、introduction の中で、自分の研究対象の価値を主張したい時に使えそうですね!

英語フレーズ No.26-32

と一致してIn keeping withIn keeping with our hypothesis, we found that prestimulus scene activation during the study of list 2 items was significantly higher for items
とは対照的にIn contrast toIn contrast to wild-type (WT) and WAVE1 D2-KO mice, cocaine-induced sensitized locomotor behavior was not maintained in WAVE1 D1-KO mice.
に関係なくirrespective ofIrrespective of age, post-myocardial infarction mortality decreased significantly over time, concurrent with increased evidence-based care and despite increasing comorbidities.
まとめるとCollectivelyCollectively, disruption of normal Zap70 autoinhibition engaged negative feedback mechanisms
あるいは、代わりにAlternativelyAlternatively, animals that were depleted of CD8+ lymphocytes exhibited greater variation in population dynamics among tissues and cell populations
と共にAlong withThis dataset along with a web portal is provided to the community to assist in the discovery
同時のconcurrentConcurrent use of amiodarone, fluconazole, rifampin, and phenytoin with NOACs had a significant increase

「同時の」という意味では、”simultaneous” もよく使われますね。



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